Black Lives Matter

An open letter to my clients and fellow industry friends


Like many of you, this week has brought on an ocean of emotions for me. I’m sure many business owners are looking for the right words to properly acknowledge the events that have taken place these last few days. However, just as there is no one right way to grieve, there is no one right way to honor someone. 

Starting with COVID, the Black Community, coupled with individual and systemic racism, has been unquestionably and unequally impacted. Leaving a community, still catching up in the country after only gaining the right to vote in 1965 and just recovering from a recession that ended 10 years ago, in unimaginable loss and pain. The senseless murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd have once again brought the issues that the Black Community faces daily in the United States to light. 

One of the emotions i’ve experience this week however has been incredible hope and pride in what I believe to be the majority voice and belief of true Americans. It has been so incredibly heartening to see the diversity in the crowds of the countless individuals who have peacefully protested for justice and equality. 

While there's still a lot of work that needs to be done, i’m hopeful and certain things will continue to change. There are so many good people out there. Just a few days ago, a black man afraid to walk alone in his own neighborhood, “in fear of not returning home alive”, had his entire local Nashville community rally behind him for a neighborhood walk.

I’ve also felt incredible warmth and inspiration from friends and other entrepreneurs. Thank you for speaking up, sending emails, recording videos, and writing posts which have provided much needed awareness. Your messages may have reached someone who was previously unaware or unsure of what action to take. Because of you, they may learn to seek and point out injustice when they see it and potentially save a life. 

My voice, your voice... we all have some level of influence. We must continue in this because through it we will gain the power required to make long lasting change and save someone from being treated unjustly.

Wishing everyone peace and strength this morning and in the days to come. Be safe and i’m looking forward to days when we'll all party together.

Written with love and kindness,

Jay Murch

DJ Jay Murch Cherry HIll NJ Black Lives Matter
Jay Murch